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On the Streets

On The Streets

The Goat
Department of Awesome Headquarters
Author: Kasz Created: 5/12/2008 10:53 AM
This is a personal blog. Thus, everything reflected here, explicitly or implied, is the personal opinion and observation of the author and does not, either in whole, or in part, constitute the opinion of CKLM "The Goat" or its on-line presence

This isn't just an awesome video of Cats being enthralled by the spiraling water in "The Throne" but has a tune that you'll be singing for hours.



 Now if only we could train them to USE the toilet as well...


Ever wanted a costume that was a little out of the ordinary?  Well you just need to peruse Japan.  Don't worry if you can't read the writing, there's usually lots of helpful pictures.

Still wondering how this one works though...

If you've got the guts you could try the "my suit shrunk in the wash" costume...

not sure why its got an open back though...

this Rudoph the red-nosed reindeer costume not only combines Christmas and Halloween but also all the best of reindeer and crime-fighting.

why stop there, check out the Luchadore Christmas tree mask...


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"Drive hosts for Paying attention to where the heck your going"

And beware of horse-eating trees while you're out on the pasture.


"It took Brad Sciullo 4 hours and 39 minutes to finish a marathon. A meat marathon, that is. The 5-foot-11, 180-pound western Pennsylvania chef is the first person to eat a monstrosity called the Beer Barrel Belly Bruiser: a 15-pound burger with toppings and a bun that brought the total weight to 20.2 pounds."

No this is not a trick of the camera...

Almost done...

And after some rearanging of his intestines, he's done!

You know, for some reason I'm not so hungry any more.


Mantyhose... Pantyhose for men is apparently the "new thing".  why would men want to wear pantyhose? just take a look at what website e-MANcipate has to say...

"Men have great legs and hosiery is a great way to show them. It's quite practical in some ways. It prevents chafing, for example, when horse riding or cycling, but it's also a good alternative to bulky underwear if you need some warmth.

"Going to work on a cold autumn day in regular trousers with 20 denier hose underneath helps to avoid getting cold. Plus you won't ever have to worry about loosing or matching your socks."

None for me thanks.  I'm sorry but I don't think I'm quite ready to be shaving my legs every couple of days to make it easier to wear these.


So word from Marvel Studio's is that Terrence Howard is out for Iron Man 2, and has been replaced by Don Cheadle.

This news isn't horrible, because Cheadle is a great actor, but when you're looking at a trilogy of movies its nice to have continuity with the roles. The switcheroo took place after Howard tried to renegotiate for more money and failed to get Marvel to agree.

UPDATE: It seems Terrance was surprised as the rest of us from the news.  the following quote is from a recent interview with Howard Stern.

"It was the surprise of a lifetime," he said. "There was no explanation. [The contract] just...up and vanished. I read something in the trades implicating that it was about money or something, but apparently the contracts that we write and sign aren't worth the paper that they're printed on, sometimes. Promises aren't kept, and good faith negotiations...

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The Newest X-Men spin-off movie Wolverine is set to hit theaters on May 1st and is currently in the editing stages.  Lauren Shuler Donner, the films producer says its a "darker story that deals with Logan's origin quite a bit".  Sounds good.  she also reported some pretty cool casting choices.

Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool

I can't think of a better choice of actor to play "The Merc with the mouth" Wade Wilson.  Reynolds is funny as hell and he's Canadian.  not to mention his new wife is the hottest girl to walk the planet...

now you know he's gotta be smiling underneath that mask


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Here's the Deal, Birmingham's Martin Taylor is stirring up some contraversy after his tackle on Soccer Star Eduardo of the Arsenal team.

When you're ready to proceed, have a look at these nasty pictures...

Here's how it went down...

oww my ankle - hey what was that snapping sound?

Oh... that's not good

Kasz (still cringing from the percieved discomfort) Michaels

Check out this Video, its for a vehicle that can only be described as a "wearable motorcycle". be sure to stick around to the end to see just how freaking awesome it could be.


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