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On the Streets

On The Streets

The Goat
Department of Awesome Headquarters
Author: Kasz Created: 5/12/2008 10:53 AM
This is a personal blog. Thus, everything reflected here, explicitly or implied, is the personal opinion and observation of the author and does not, either in whole, or in part, constitute the opinion of CKLM "The Goat" or its on-line presence

Here's the Deal, Birmingham's Martin Taylor is stirring up some contraversy after his tackle on Soccer Star Eduardo of the Arsenal team.

When you're ready to proceed, have a look at these nasty pictures...

Here's how it went down...

oww my ankle - hey what was that snapping sound?

Oh... that's not good

Kasz (still cringing from the percieved discomfort) Michaels

Check out this Video, its for a vehicle that can only be described as a "wearable motorcycle". be sure to stick around to the end to see just how freaking awesome it could be.


Creepy, sexy, or just a toy?

Read More »

Here we are in the midst of Hurricane season and down in Texas, Louisiana and Mexico they are a worried for their lives, their homes and their possessions.  One guy in particular is concerned about his car...

Lay a little carpet accross the top, get a good strong Garden Hose and find a sturdy tree.   Plus if the area were to flood, he'd have a nice floating platform to stand on.  kinda like an emergency party barge.



Yeah I remember when Vin Diesel was fast becoming one of the biggest names in the action movie genre and then... what happened? his ego got too big too fast and his career couldn't catch up.  I remember after the success of The fast and the furious and "XXX", he was too big to star in either sequel - they were beneath him apparently.  now years later what do we have? Fast and Furious 4 and XXX 3:The Return of Xander Cage both starring Vin Diesel.

Yup Babylon A.D. was a total bomb, but this actor is still working; and I guess that's the important thing.


Mmmm.  hammy goodness...

Check out Axl and the boys rockin out to "Jesus is my Friend"



I've seen this news story a few times now and I'm fighting it with every bone in my body.  Fashionistas are saying the next big trend for Men in the office is "Short Pants".  Oh how the ladies will swoon.

This outfit it only good for one man! and that man is Chachi from Happy Days.  If you're not him - then you should not be wearing this embarrassing ensemble.


Over the last few years I have to say G4/Tech TV has become one of my favorite channels.  If you've never seen "Attack of the Show" you're missing out man.  and recently G4 has announced a new animated series that can only be described as Dept. of Awesome Approved.

May the Shwartz be with you.


Ever feel like you're not quite as Kick ass as you used to be? The problem could be those pesky blue jeans.  They're hampering your high kicks! luckily Chuck Norris takes care of the worlds needs with just the right amount of extra material to turn your feet back into the deadly weapons they used to be...

Action Jeans!

God Bless you Chuck Norris. You're a real American Hero.


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