Week 2 Weigh In With Shocking Results

It's week 2, and it started with a weigh in at Motion Fitness with Jenna. I've decided that we're going to do full weigh ins every week, because, well let's face it, it helps me fill the blog if I have numbers to show. On the drive over, I was pretty sure that there wouldn't be any real changes. I mean, it's only been a week, right? Two workouts, one week on a meal plan, not to mention the wedding on the weekend, how much could possibly be different? So when I jumped on the scale, I had pretty low expectations.

When I weighed in the first time, I was 297 pounds, 94.4 of which was body fat. This time around, I was down to 293.9 pounds, and only 89.3 pounds of fat. That means that I lost 5 pounds in body fat alone, and gained 2 pounds in muscle. I was shocked. Even some of the girls at Motion Fitness were shocked. In just 1 week, with some pretty major hurdles, I'd still lost a considerable amount of unhealthy weight. I was absolutely flying. I mean, I knew that I was feeling better, but this still blew my mind. Jenna and I shared a high five, but it was time to get back to work.

And by work, I mean sweating more than anyone outside a sauna should...

We went out in to the gym, and started with mostly the same routine we've been doing for the past few sessions. One place where I'm finding that I still really struggle is upper body exercise. Push ups, pull ups, lifting, really anything with my arms. Turns out that over years of not doing any working out, my legs still got a workout carrying around my mass, but my arms had decayed to about the size of an 8 year old girl.

Piss off kid, no one likes a showoff. 

It's getting better though. My second body comp test showed that both my arms had gotten bigger since last week, so maybe one day I won't have to do pushups like a lady. And yeah, Jenna has equipment that shows you that sort of thing, so keep that in mind and call her for a consultation. Anyway... Just like Thursday of last week was easier than Tuesday, today was easier than Thursday. My body, while still not in any kind of decent shape, is getting used to actually being active, and doing things. I still have to stop to catch my breath more than I'd like, but it's progress. 

The session went by pretty quickly, and I was actually feeling pretty good when it was over. Or, at least, I thought it was over. I started doing a bit of stretching, downing some water, and walking around as part of a cool down, when Jenna told me that she had a surprise for me. One last exercise before we called it a day. She grabbed a piece of gear that was essentially a giant elastic band, and told me we were going to cuddle. I was obviously confused, as she put the band around our waists, but then she made it crystal clear. She told me to run. 

Nothing makes running fun like dragging another full grown person behind you...

I had to run 3 lengths of the gym with Jenna in tow behind me, doing her best to slow me down. It was an entirely new kind of exhausting. After just the first run, my legs were on fire, and my stomach felt like it was in a knot. After the second, I could barely stand up, and I felt like I might get sick. I caught my breath, and did my third run, and when it was over, I peeled off the band and dropped in to a crouch. I could hardly breathe, and what I was taking in felt toxic. I have never felt like that before in my life. I had to walk slowly, drinking water for about 20 minutes just to get to a point where I could actually breathe at a normal pace. Sure, part of it is the fact that I am still a smoker, but more than that, it was just a really hard exercise. One that is beyond what I can do right now. But I don't look at it as a sign that I have a long way to go. Rather, I look at it as motivation. I want to be able to do that drill. I want to be able to run so hard that Jenna falls down. I want to be able to do two laps without having to stop for 5 minutes in between to breathe. I don't know if this is something we'll be doing a lot of, but I know I want to do it again, and I wan't to do it better than I did today. 

Today was an incredible day. I found out that I lost more weight than I thought was possible, and I found new goals to set for myself as this goes forward. It's like golf. You go out for 18 holes, and you struggle, and strain, and cuss your way through the whole damn thing, but you hit one shot that makes you want to come back and do it again. After what happened today, all I'm thinking about is getting back in there on Thursday.

Oh, and if you don't know, Motion Fitness has a ton of classes as well that are free with your membership, so if my legs aren't broken tomorrow, I plan on going to my very first Spin Class. Come back Thursday to see how it goes!

Drew Dalby - 293.9 pounds


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