Guest Workout Series #1 - Goat Girl Jeanine

This is the kick off of our guest workout series. All September, I’ll be dragging some of my co-workers from The Goat down to Motion Fitness with me, and unleashing Jenna on them. First up? The face of the station this summer, Goat Girl Jeanine.

It started off nice and easy, with the usual warm up run, but now with two of us instead of just me, Jenna got to put us through some team workout drills. We worked with a medicine ball, throwing it back and forth (I threw it too hard and it hit Jeanine in the head... sorry Goat Girl), and also did some weight lifting. Jenna was all too eager to introduce another victim to the TRX suspension rig, and we wrapped up with some ab busting.

When she was done destroying us, Jenna was nice enough to have Aanchal come over and stretch us out, so that we wouldn’t be hobbled for the rest of the week. Jeanine has some issues with her back, so Aanchal gave her some tips about how to strengthen it, much like she did for the apocalypse that are my knees. When we were done, Jeanine asked me if I’d felt like throwing up at my first workout, which I of course did... turns out she was feeling a little ill herself. We were about to leave, when she ran back into the change room, just in case, but she assures me that she did manage to keep her insides inside.

Let’s see what Jeanine said about working out with a trainer...

  • Do you go to the gym?  No. I have in the past, but it only ever lasts a few weeks, then I stop going.
  • Have you ever worked with a trainer before? No
  • How did you think it would go before you got there?  I thought Jenna would go easy on me, because these sessions are for Drew. I figured she'd focus more on him, but she focused just as much on me as she did on him, so I couldn't slack at all!!
  • Were you surprised by what you could actually do?  I was pretty surprised, as I thought I was a lot more out of shape than I was, and it is mind over matter. I could do alot more push ups when I concentrated on breathing, instead of how my arms were going to snap in half.
  • Did you want to quit at all during the workout? I did want to quit physically, because sometimes I literally couldn't move my legs anymore, but with someone telling me to do 5 more, mentally I just made myself do it.
  • How did you feel when it was over? I was relieved because I was done, to say the least. I don't know how much longer I could have gone, and I was feeling pretty sick!
  • What was your favorite part of the session? I enjoyed the kettle bell exercise the most. It's not that I hated any of it really, but my favorite part was the fact that I was able to complete the whole session.
  • Would you work out with a trainer again? Definitely. I have a hard time motivating myself to go to the gym, or even going for a walk/run outside, so having someone tell me what to do, and to do more, I feel like I have to because they know I can do more.

That’s the best part about working with a trainer. It’s having someone who doesn’t care if you think you can’t do something, they know exactly what you are capable of, and they’ll push you to do it.

On top of having Goat Girl come to work out, it was Tuesday, which means it was weigh in day! Now, if you remember, we didn’t have weigh in results last week. That’s because, after losing 6 pounds of body fat during a weekend of partying, my numbers all shot back up last week. The change didn’t make any sense, so Jenna decided that we wouldn’t count it, because while the body comp machine is amazing, it can be prone to make mistakes sometimes. This week, my numbers were almost identical to what we had in that test we threw out, which meant we’d discounted the wrong test.

Turns out that I don’t have some invincible metabolism that can take a weekend of drinking, and turn it into miracle weight loss. What’s more likely is that all the junk in my system from that weekend was throwing off the machine’s readings, and it came out wrong. So the good news is that I didn’t gain 6 lbs of body fat last week, but the bad news is that I never lost it in the first place. Also, this means that I have hit my first plateau. After a month of steady results, my body has gotten used to what we’re doing, which means that Jenna is going to have to switch things up to keep the lbs coming off. We also made a few tweaks to my diet, which includes lots of doorstop pancakes!

Tomorrow, I’m taking Brad, our brand new 19 year old commercial writer, down to the gym with me. Remember, you can go in to Motion Fitness and talk to Jenna, or one of the other trainers, and come up with a plan that works for you!


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