I Now Have Two Fewer Limbs

Today was another workout day with Jenna.  Before we got started, I had a chance to meet another one of Jenna's clients. He has been working with Jenna for a while now, but has been working to change his weight since January, with incredible results. He told me he reads this blog from time to time, and it makes him feel good to know that someone else is going through the same thing. I have to say that I felt the same way watching him finish his session with Jenna.  Seeing someone else struggled to finish workouts made me feel like I wasn't the only one who still needed work.  We also shared the same initial thoughts and fears, that all the in shape people would laugh at us, because we didn't belong in their world.  In this world of dead lifts, and jacked arms, and people who could run for miles and miles, we were both worried that we would stand out as outsiders.  We both, however, have realized that that's not how it works.  Everyone in the gym is there for themselves.  For their own reasons.  Not because they want to have a laugh at a couple guys trying to better themselves.  We had a good talk, but I couldn't stall anymore, Jenna was waiting.

Just a heads up, I'm writing this blog using voice to text software, because my arms are too tired to even lift to the keyboard.  Once again, Jenna decided I needed to work on my arms, so today was a lot of work with weights.  We started with bench presses, which I hadn't done in at least five years.  I much prefer lifting weights that not me, not that she didn't mix in pushups between sets.  We also did things like curls, pull ups, and other lifts I can remember the name of, mostly because to speak their name would surely unleash some sort of evil.

It felt good when it was over, but like I said my arms don't work that well anymore.  Even changing was difficult because lifting my arms over my head was a strain.  It's not that it hurts, but really they are just tired.  No, I imagine the real pain will come tomorrow, as it usually seems to give you one day before it really kicks in.

I also tried a new protein shake today, because I ran out of the stuff I started with.  Remember when I said protein shakes when the best part of the day?  Forgot about it, or at least let me add a condition.  Protein shakes are the best part of the day, if you have good ones.  I tried to save a little money, and ended up with a foul strawberry cup of hell.  Believe me when I say that I will be going back to the store, and going back to the brand I know.  I can handle doorstop pancakes, and the vile grapefruit, but I will not abide a bad protein shake.  Gross.

Another test on the weekend, as I will be at my first concert since starting this workout plan.  Bob Dylan is coming to Lloydminster tomorrow, and I'm usually the kind of guy to have a couple pops at a concert.  Of course, as I said in an earlier blog, drinking too much is like undoing a whole week of working out, so I'll have to go easy.  Then, on Saturday, we have our Christmas Wish golf tournament, and as we know, golf usually means having a drink or two, or 18, not to mention the big dinner at the end of the day.  At this point I'm looking forward to Sunday, just because I have nothing planned.

I'm going to end this one now.  It might be a little shorter than usual, but my arms are still dead, and this voice to text software is a giant piece of junk.  Next weigh in is Tuesday, and hopefully I'll officially get under the 290 mark for the first time in close to seven years.

If you have any questions for me or Jenna, yell at your computer until it starts writing down your words, then send them to my email!


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