It's The Quality Of Your Junk Food, Not The Quantity

First, let me apologize for the lack of blogs this week. I had a plan for writing based on my workout routine this week, but of course, the best laid plans are the first ones to fall apart. I mentioned in my last blog that I was going to take a spin class on Wednesday, but unfortunately the instructor got sick, and couldn't do the course. Jenna and I looked at the schedule, and decided I would try a Boxing class on Friday instead. So, my plan was, instead of a blog after my Thursday workout, I would do one after the class on Friday. Once again, great plan, poor execution. My Friday was insanely busy, with different issues at work, and home, and by the time the class was scheduled to happen, I was nowhere near ready to go, so I had to skip it. Now, for the blog, that sucks, because I know you guys are out there waiting for more, but it also kind of worked out. You see, it's just another episode of trying to get in shape while living a real life. Things are going to happen, you're not always going to be able to make it to your scheduled workouts, but the key is not just saying "Oh, whatever, I'll just skip that one then...", because that's how you start the slow slide back on to the couch full time. Rather, I got up Saturday morning, and I went to the gym on my own, and pushed myself on some cardio, but we'll get to that later. Let's go back to Wednesday.

No surprise, this is where it starts.

I decided that Wednesday was going to be my first cheat meal of the week. Remember, I get two. My wife and I wanted to go for dinner, so I decided that I was going to get the most bang for my buck when it came to eating junk. We jumped in the car, and headed to a buffet. I grabbed my plate and started to load up. I didn't go overboard or anything, but I definitely got my money's worth. A variety of different foods, and as much as I wanted until I was full. Sounds like the perfect cheat meal, right?


Don't get me wrong, I love that buffet. I've been there many times, I'll be there again. (I won't say which one, because they don't give me money. Hint Hint) The food was great, but it just wasn't what I wanted. See, I went for quantity, instead of quality. I had a bunch of different little things, instead of one satisfying meal. The next day I was driving and saw a fast food joint, and all I could think was "Man, I wish I'd just gotten a burger instead". A burger! One of the most basic things on the junk food spectrum. One of the first things I learned to cook from scratch. I had toured the food spectrum just the day before, and here I was wanting just one hamburger, maybe with a little cheese. 

It taught me a lesson. From now on, I will plan my cheat meals around being actual meals. I'm not saying I'm swearing off the buffet, but if I can only eat exactly what I want twice a week, I want to make sure that I'm making the most of it. Burgers, steaks, pizza, lasagnas, not processed, but real meals that make all the other stuff I have to eat worth while. So, while Wednesday may not have had a workout, I did learn a valuable lesson about food that will help, starting tonight, when I finally get that burger.

If you see this face tonight, just keep your distance. I apologize in advance.

Thursday, it was back in to the gym for a session with Jenna. First of all, when I got there, Jenna was on the phone setting up a session with someone who has been reading these blogs. Whoever you are, good for you, and I wish you the best of luck on your journey. If you find you're struggling, email me and I'll try help you through it. As Red Green said, we're all in this together. 

The workout was a heavy focus on my arms, which I've mentioned before are mostly for show. I'm not proud of it, but I can admit that I have almost no strength or endurance in my arms. We started on the rowing machine, which I have to say, I really liked. I could feel it in my arms, my back, my abs, and my legs, but I didn't feel like at any point I was going to fall apart while doing it. After that, it was back to the floor for some running, weight lifting, squats, lunges, and worst of all, pull ups. We tried to move me off the assisted pull up machine, but my arms still have no interest in holding the brunt of my weight, so we switched back, and I pushed through it. It was the first exercise that I had to say I couldn't do, which is quite a humbling experience. It's not easy to turn around to someone and say "No, I can't do that". Jenna was good about it, but I could tell she wasn't happy about it. This was the workout I struggled the most with out of the 4 I've been to, but hopefully it won't take long until I can work up my arms to be a little less pathetic.

Hang in there buddy, we'll figure it out eventually.

Like I said, today (Saturday) I went in to Motion Fitness on my own for the first time. Not knowing what I was really doing, I stuck to stuff I already knew. I started on the treadmill for about half an hour, then over to a bike for about 20 minutes. I took a 5 minute break to wipe up the river of sweat that had come off me on the bike, then I finished with about 5 minutes on the rowing machine, though that was much harder at the end of a workout, as opposed to at the beginning like last time. I have to say though, it felt good just going in there on my own. They have TVs on all the machines, so I watched a bit of the Olympics, and it was a nice distraction from the burning in my legs. This might sound cheesy, because I'm probably a little biased, but I really like the way Motion Fitness is set up. If you're worried about being intimidated by other people, or not being able to use the machines you want to use, trust me, neither is an issue here. And I use those as examples, because they're both things I was worried about when I started. 

Tonight, I'm having a cheat meal at a going away party, and Sunday I'm going out to a lake for the day. Monday it's back to work for me, because long weekends don't exist in radio, and then Tuesday, it's another weigh in. I'm trying really hard not to get my hopes up for this one. I have to not let myself expect big numbers every time, because it just doesn't work like that. Whatever the number though, you'll get it here on the blog Tuesday night. Seriously, I promise, no delays this time.

Remember, if you have questions for Jenna, this is your best chance to get answers for free! Post your questions in the box below, and I'll post answers to the best ones on a future blog!


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